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On the road again (!)

Okay, I now admit that my announced intention not to plant anything more from May until fall was a delusion.  My friends and family knew that from the outset but they nodded patiently in response to my pronouncements and said nothing.  Even after I'd fallen off the wagon once, my friends only smiled when, upon receiving two nursery gift cards for my birthday, I declared that I'd hold onto them until September.  When one friend asked me what I wanted to do for a belated birthday celebration last weekend, I proposed visiting a nursery recommended by a neighbor earlier this year - only in the interest of research, of course.  My friend suggested that we stop by a couple other Orange Country nurseries while we were out.  It was like putting a cake in front of a dieter.  Fortunately, we called it a day after visiting just two nurseries - one of my gift cards is still intact.

Our first stop was the new-to-me Village Nursery in Huntington Beach.  It caters to landscapers but it's open to retail traffic as well.  The sign at the front gate gave us a moment's pause.

The vine hanging over the cashier's office and the container section also seemed a trifle ominous.

I meant to ask what this plant was before we left but I neglected to do so

I didn't notice the plants it seemed to swallow up, pots and all, until I looked at my photos on-line

I decided I really didn't need any new pots and focused on the plants.  The grounds weren't fancy but the nursery was well-stocked.  All the major growers were represented.

Monrovia had its own section right up front

As did Sunset

I became preoccupied with Coprosmas of all types for awhile but I eventually broke free of their spell (left to right: C. 'Marble King', C. 'Pina Colada' and C. 'Roy's Red')

There was a large selection of true Geraniums (in addition to Pelargoniums)

And Grevilleas

And Phormium

There were plants I've never seen before.

Like this dwarf Bougainvillea called 'Sunvillea Rose'

And plants I'm still thinking about (for my fall planting scheme).

On the left, more of the dwarf Jacaranda 'Blue Bonsai
On the top right: Grevillea 'Austraflora Fanfare' (is it supposed to have that wonderful variegated foliage?) and Alstroemeria 'Inticancha Bryce'
Right, bottom row: Leucadendron galpinii and Eremophila hygrophana

I don't "need" more Agapanthus but look at that dark-flowered variety! (no ID)

In an exercise of extreme restraint, I left with only two plants.

A variegated Caryopteris (without a tag) and Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Crazy Blue'

I'd like to say that I was as restrained when we arrived at Roger's Gardens but that would be untruthful.  I did start off just taking photos.

Succulent bed adjacent to the parking lot

A wonderful vertical display containing Acanthus, bromeliads, ferns and ivy

A collection of dahlias, including some of the huge "dinner-plate" varieties

Succulents in pots, baskets, drift wood and rock

But look at all the succulents in 6-packs.  No other garden center in my area provides such a range of inexpensive options.

So I got a cart.  In addition to the 6-packs of succulents, I picked up some Salvias.

Salvia 'Love & Wishes' and S. pachyphylla

Poof!  There went the gift card (and then some).  I did leave some choice plants behind, though.  Maybe they'll still be available this fall.

Clockwise from the left: Raphiolepis indica 'Fiesta', Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga and Sanvitalia 'Sunbini'

Best wishes for a wonderful weekend.

All material © 2012-2015 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party

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