Channel: Late to the Garden Party
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Foliage Follow-up: More Please!

As we get closer to being ready to plant the area formerly occupied by lawn in the front yard, I've spent more time deliberating on my plant choices.  What's clear is that I need more foliage plants.  In compiling my wish list, I started by looking at what I already have.  In the sunnier area of the new space, I want to add more of these:

Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'

Alternanthera tenella

Duranta 'Gold Mound'

Pelargonium hortorum 'Mrs. Pollock'

In the shadier areas, I'm thinking of more:

Ageratum corymbosum, grown more for the foliage than the flowers

Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri,' which is likely to spread on its own

Prostanthera ovalifolia 'Variegata' (even if it does tend to get leggy over time)

Although I'm not really ready to do any planting yet, that hasn't stopped me from buying plants.  Those selected specifically for their foliage include:

Leptospermum 'Copper Glow,' which is new to me

A wider view of Leptospermum 'Copper Glow,' which doesn't do it justice

Another Leucadendron 'Wilson's Wonder'

For comparison purposes, this is my existing Leucadendron 'Wilson's Wonder,' which is just starting to develop its winter color

More Lomandra longifolia 'Breeze'

I'm itching to start planting but that event is still probably 2 or more weeks away as we're still digging.

The neighbors have been speculating about what has been variously referred to as an archaeological dig and a burial ground

This foliage overview is my contribution to the monthly foliage follow-up sponsored by Pam at Digging to recognize the importance of foliage in our gardens.  Click here to see her post this month and to find links to other foliage-focused posts.

All material © 2012-2014 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party

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